Aims and Scope

MOVEP is a 5 day summer school about modeling and verifying parallel processes. The first five occurrences of the School took place in Nantes (France) every two years from 1994 to 2002. The last edition was held in Brussels (Belgium) in December 2004. General topics relate to specification and verification of computerized systems designed for the control of real-time applications, reactive or critical systems, and involving concurrent processes.

The purpose of MOVEP is to bring together researchers, students and people from industry working in the fields of control and verification of concurrent and reactive systems. The School seeks to offer a broad spectrum of current research in this area of theoretical and applied computer science. The topics covered by MOVEP'06 include model checking, controller synthesis, software verification, temporal logics, real-time and hybrid systems, stochastic systems, security, etc.

The program of the School consists of six 2h30 tutorials and five 1h30 talks.

Student Sessions

In addition to the tutorials and talks, there will be special sessions devoted to Ph.D. students, where they will be able to present their on-going research. Moreover, extended abstracts of these presentations will be published with the proceedings of the school. Please see the call for student papers for submission information.
